Saturday 30th November Private Christmas Party
Sunday 8th December 17.00 - 18.30 Kaerjeng Christmas Market
Saturday 14th December Private Christmas Party
Sunday 22nd December 18.00 - 19.30 Differdange Christmas Market
A-Cappella-Benefizkonzert der Gruppen Sultry und Tess & the d'Urbervilles in Zusammenarbeit mit der Organisation Wäertvollt Liewen a.s.b.l. , am Montag dem 13. Juli 2024 um 18.30 Uhr im Kulturzentrum Hollerich (Luxemburg).
Ziel von Wäertvollt Liewen ist es, die Öffentlichkeit über die Krankheit amyotrophe Lateralsklerose (ALS) zu sensibilisieren und Menschen zu unterstützen, die an dieser oder einer ähnlichen Krankheit leiden.
Dieser gemeinsame Auftritt von Tess & the d'Urbervilles und Sultry verspricht einen musikalischen Abend voller Dynamik, Spaß und Gesang und unterstützt gleichzeitig Wäertvollt Liewen. Genießen Sie Melodien unterschiedlicher Stile und Epochen, von Jazz-Standards über Rock-Hits der 60er und 80er bis hin zur aktuellen Popmusik, präsentiert von Tess & the d'Urbervilles, einer dynamischen A-Cappella-Gruppe aus Exeter (England), und Luxemburgs moderner A-Cappella-Band Sultry. Wir sind sicher, unsere internationale musikalische Zusammenarbeit wird Sie begeistern, und uns dabei helfen, die wertvolle Arbeit der Partnerorganisation zu unterstützen.
Der Eintritt ist frei, Ihre Spende wird jedoch dankbar angenommen! Jeder Beitrag hilft uns, einen sinnvollen Einfluss auf das Leben von Menschen mit ALS zu nehmen. Die Bar wird von Wäertvollt Liewen betrieben und ist ab 18.00 Uhr geöffnet.
Weitere Informationen zum Event und über diese inspirierende Initiative finden Sie auf Wir sehen uns am 13. Juli! Save the date, und bringen Sie Freunde mit!
Concert de bienfaisance par les groupes a cappella Sultry et Tess & the d'Urbervilles en partenariat avec l’a.s.b.l. Wäertvollt Liewen au Centre Culturel de Hollerich (Luxembourg) le samedi 13 juillet 2024, à 18h30.
Notre objectif est de sensibiliser sur la situation des personnes souffrant de sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA) ou d'une pathologie similaire, et de contribuer à leur soutien et accompagnement.
L’alliance artistique de Tess & the d'Urbervilles et Sultry vous promet une belle soirée de plaisir musical, tout en contribuant à soutenir Wäertvollt Liewen. Venez écouter des mélodies s'étendant tout le long d’un siècle, depuis les grands classiques du jazz jusqu’à la pop d'aujourd'hui, en passant par le rock des années 60 et 80, interprétées par Tess & the d'Urbervilles, un dynamique ensemble a cappella originaire d'Exeter (Angleterre), ainsi que Sultry, moderne groupe vocal a cappella luxembourgeois. Nous sommes convaincus que notre collaboration vocale internationale vous divertira et nous aidera à soutenir cette noble cause.
L'entrée est libre, mais nous vous serons reconnaissants pour vos dons. Chaque contribution nous aidera à avoir un impact significatif sur la vie des personnes atteintes de SLA. Le bar, géré par Wäertvollt Liewen, sera ouvert à partir de 18h00.
Pour plus d’informations sur la soirée et pour rester informé de cette initiative inspirante, visitez Réservez la date et faites passer le message. A bientôt !
Saturday 16th December, 16.00 - 17.00
Marché de Noël traditionnel – Ville de Dudelange
(20+) Sultry Live at the Dudelange Christmas Market | Facebook
Tour dates:
Friday 3rd November - Exeter, Devon
6.30pm Royal Albert Memorial Museum
Tickets and further information:t
Saturday 4th November - East Grinstead, Sussex
6.30pm Sackville College
Club de Musique - Concert jazz folk blues pop 24 octobre 2023
Estimation d'heure de passage (temps de prestation + 2 minutes de changement de plateau)
Ensembles et solistes
Elena Mapelle, voix, et Ingrid Van Gent, piano, 10 minutes
Anne Bihorel, flûte à bec, 15 minutes
Belle Bandura avec Nadya Balych, et Nataliia Demchuk, 20 minutes
Pause, 15 minutes
Maria Terova, voix, et Lionel Michon, guitare, 20 minutes
Sultry, 20 minutes
FIN et rappel des musiciens le dernier salut
Come and enjoy an evening of fun tunes and lively renditions of old favourites at "Sultry Thinks Pink"!
- 20.00, Friday 30th June 2023
- Cultural Center in Bonnevoie
The award-winning a cappella group from Luxembourg will perform for the benefit of Think Pink Luxembourg, a charitable organisation championing breast cancer awareness and support. Eight voices will take you through an evening of pop, jazz and rock songs and tunes from the world of Disney.
Admission is free, but donations will be welcome to support the programmes that Think Pink Luxembourg organises throughout the year, funding cancer research at the Luxembourg Institute of Health (via the Marian Aldred Award) and offering support services and activities.
For further information about Think Pink Luxembourg and their work, please visit
To learn more about Sultry and their music, visit
We look forward to seeing you at "Sultry Thinks Pink"!
Can't decide whether to go to a play or a concert? Why not both? On May 18, 19, and 20 at 20:00 at the Cultural Centre of Hollerich, 34, rue Emile Lavandier, L-1924 Luxembourg, New World Theatre Club, and Sultry are teaming up to bring you an evening full of entertainment. Please note: there is the ING Marathon on Saturday but there will still be access to the Cultural Centre and convenient parking at P+R Bouillon.
To start the evening, NWTC will bring you its official entry to the Festival of European Anglophone Theatrical Societies, “Last Chance Saloon” by Shari Gledhill. Find out if Karen (Helena O’Hare) will fall for the charms of Antonio (Alex Teligadas) as they meet in a fancy hotel bar called “Last Chance Saloon”. Is it really her last chance?
Next up, Sultry, Luxembourg’s award-winning a cappella group, will present a selection of its favourite songs. Bringing back the cool elegance of Patsy Cline, the rhythm of Stevie Wonder, and the fun of Disney movies, Sultry's versatility has something to suit any musical taste.
- Saturday 19th November, 14.00 - 18.00, Hall Polyvalent Schifflange
- Saturday 10th December, 17.00 - 17.45, Christmas Market in Mamer
Grab your picnic blanket and some crémant and join us in the park for a free casual open concert. We will be singing our best songs in a wonderful green corner of the park by the North Entrance of the Musée d'Art in the Villa Vauban.
Bring a blanket and some friends and enjoy live music in the park at the next Sultry rehearsal. June 16th at 7:30 at the North Entrance Villa Vauban Musée d'Art in the Municipal Park in Luxembourg City, The open rehearsal is a casual event where you can come along and listen to all your favorite Sultry songs in a relaxed atmosphere.
Here is more information.
Warm up your winter with a special concert. On February 4th at 20:00 Sultry, Luxembourg's modern a cappella jazz group, will be presenting a unique concert for a limited audience. Set in an intimate venue, Foyer Europeen, Sultry's diverse repertoire will reach in the most natural way possible, direct from their voices to your ear. For this special performance, no amplification will be used, so nothing will stand in the way of you feeling connected to the gorgeous harmonies and deep emotions of each song.
Sultry uses only their voices to create an intense atmosphere ranging from sentimental and exuberant to comical. Bringing back the cool elegance of Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald, the melodiousness of Stevie Wonder and the fun of Disney movies, Sultry's versatility has something to fit any musical taste. The concert is organized by LEAPA, Luxembourg European Association for the Performing Arts, which is part of the Cultural Circle of the European Institutions in Luxembourg.
Seating is limited, so book your tickets now at
December 5th
The Orange Christmas Movie Night
Popup Concert December 8th and 9th at 14h and 15h Bram, City Concorde Shopping Centre - 80 Route de Longwy, 8060 Bertrange
Christmas Market December 15th at 19.15 Place d'Armes Luxembourg
June 9th - Private concert for Rotary Thionville Porte de France.
December 9th 16h and 17h Bram, City Concorde Shopping Centre - 80 Route de Longwy, 8060 Bertrange
November 25th 17:30-18:30 Christmas Market Place d'Armes Luxembourg
(With special guest appearance by Julia Belova)
October 14th Private Party
June 28th Private concert for the ISL Staff BBQ
June 21st at Scott's Pub in the Grund
Donations accepted towards the “ISL - Orhaniye Ortaokulu Friendship - Paul Kouba Music Room” project in Orhaniye, Turkey